Hearing from people
who are changing
the conversation
we’re on a mission to amplify those who are changing the conversation
new episodes coming soon
Record Breaking Hot Air Balloon Pilot Allie Dunnington
First all-woman expedition to the North Pole with Victoria Humphries
Game Changing Ethical Fashion with Social Entrepreneur Kalkidan Legesse
Swimming with my Stoma with Gill Castle
Diversity Outdoors with Soraya Abdel-Hadi
Illustrator Rosie Johnson
Cycling around the World with Vedangi Kulkarni
The Power of Celebration with Celebrant Theresa Ribeiro
The Power of Periods with Hayley Anderson
The Absolute Joy of Wild Swimming with Eva Kulovits
SMALL-FOLK Founder Anna Liddle
Supercharging your Visibility with Sarah Tulej
A Year of 100 Wild Swims with Leilia Dore
Intentional Relationships with Linda Lazzaroni
Moving through Menopause with Debbie Miller-Wright
Fighting Fit Founder Debbie Miller-Wright
Journalist Sam Acourt